Progressive Studies University offers a range of educational programs that are well-designed to provide comprehensive training in the core specialties of each industry.
Recognizing the rapid growth of the sports sector,Progressive Studies University has created professional sports and coaching departments in order to meet the ever-growing demand of professionals in those fields.
The sections created are aimed at both those who intrested in strengthen and exercise and those who are interested in prevention or rehabilitation through fitness.
The integral connection of eating habits with human physical and mental health has shaped the field of nutrition. This field of studies specializes in tackling a wide range of diseases, through natural nutrition and the introduction of herbal supplements, in order to prevent the use of non-natural substances that burden the human body.
Enroll in this hands-on, innovative class and take part in a unique, challenging learning experience. Our qualified and skilled teachers serve as facilitators in the course, guiding students through academic exploration and individual learning.
Give us a call if you want to learn more.
Security Studies was established as to prepare the security operators to cope with the specific requirements of the environment they will encounter. Simultaneously, it has the capacity to adopt and provide similar conditions as on the job training. These factors allow for shorter down time and more experience and effective workforce.
The courses are conducted by certified instructors who held various missions and operated in numerous supporting missions in the Balkans, Middle East, Amazon and Africa. They are former Special Forces military personnel who cooperated with NATO, UN and Foreign Legion. What brings our studies to the top of tier is the professionalism.
Trust us to be trained with the best at new era of education!
Progressive Studies University is a pioneering body in the field of alternative medicine. The educational programs offered are well-structured and provide comprehensive training in the core competencies of the alternative medicine industry. Alternative therapeutic practices have been gaining ground in recent years in the field of Western medicine. Man returns to the idea of ​​holistic treatment of various ailments, recognizing that the body is inextricably linked to the spirit, and seeks to identify the deeper causes of bodily symptoms. The courses of this fields give our students a chance to apply their unique skills and expand their horizons by learning something new.
Contact us today to learn more.